Do you ever feel like you can't get caught up no matter what you do and nothing seems to be going the way you want it to?
That is me...and it has been me...for the last ummm... well... I'm not sure how long.
Perhaps it's because I don't quite feel at home in my classroom yet. I can't seem to find what I want and then when I can't find it... I end up practically tearing the room up trying to find it.
Perhaps it's because I am frustrated with the light that projects onto my Smartboard. It is so dim that the kiddos can't see it and who knows when I will finally get a new one...even though I have asked about it over and over again.
Perhaps it's because I didn't get to go on vacation this summer. I really wanted to go to Washington, D.C. and the East Coast...but it just didn't happen.
Perhaps it's because I signed up to be in the Bell Choir at our church... and it is way way harder than I ever thought it would be...and I find myself practicing with my TV remote controls. (I had to stop practicing tonight because my husband came home early, and I don't want him to think I am going off the deep end singing the sounds as I play the remote controls.)
Pehaps it's because I'm overwhelmed with all the blogs I am following and there is no way I can keep up with them.
Perhaps it's because our computer lab is such a joke!!! 20 computers with only about 10 working. However, only 5 of them had headphones that the kids could hear out of. What a waste of my time.
Perhaps it's because I think I am really late getting all my 1st grade testing done ... I feel like I probably should stop everything and get them scored ... but ... well... I just don't want to.
The list could go on and on...but well... I have to leave not so I can go make a complete fool of myself at Bell Choir Rehearsal. :)