February 25, 2012

Boy! Did You Miss Out!!! ~ Dr. You Know WHO Freebie

I read my email this morning and realized that I was the winner of Green Eggs and Ham Contractions from Once Upon a First Grade Adventure.   Thank you Mrs. H ~ What a wonderful start to a morning.   If you haven't checked out her blog, please do ~ and give her a bit of love while you are there.  If she's like the rest of us, she would probably love to have more followers. Maybe I can even get her to follow me!!!

I'm still preparing lessons for next week.  I love Dr. Seuss & all his wonderful books  (well except for a few of his books that I just can't bring myself to read again...and again...and again!)  Here is a freebie for sentence scrambles.  Just click on any of the pictures to download.

Enjoy your weekend!!


  1. Oh! thanks!!! I've been thinking and looking and hoping for one more Dr. Seuss work station. Now I have it. Thank you!

    1. You are welcome! Now, I'm off to print all my goodies.

  2. This is wonderful- thank you! Hope you have a great weekend! : )

  3. Thank you so much for sharing! There are some books I have a hard time reading over and over as well. So I feel ya on that one! I hope you have a great week!

    ~ Katie
    First Grade ABCs

  4. Super cute! I'll expect them copied, lamented, cut out, and on my desk by Tuesday! Well you DID say you owed me!!! LOL Oh yeah and come teach my kiddos how to use them too!

  5. Thank you so much! My firsties love these:) Keep them coming.

  6. Thanks for finding my blog and leading me to yours!

    The Eager Teacher

  7. Awww, thank you for the sweet message and for sharing your freebie! You made my night! Oh, and I'm glad to say I'm a follower of yours now, too!

    Once Upon A First Grade Adventure

    My Teachers Pay Teachers Store

  8. Love this. Thanks for following my blog. I am now following you!

    Tickled to Teach

  9. Thanks so much for this great activity. My kiddos will love it!

  10. Thank you for generously sharing your documents with us. It is refreshing to see fellow educators sharing and not always charging. Awww the good 'ole days!
