November 29, 2011

Help!!!! I'm One Frustrated Lady!

I've always thought that I was a fairly intelligent person.  But then the blogging world entered into my life!!!!  It is like a hobby that has entirely taken over my life.  Well, maybe not entirely, but sometimes it sure feels like it.  I wake up in the middle of the night thinking about something I found on a blog... and then I can't get back to sleep because I'm thinking about how I can ... well ... anyways... it has entered my dream world and that is starting to scare me!!!

My husband is getting a bit jealous of my computer.  Crazy!!!! I know!!!.  I'm sure that this jealousy thing has never happened to any of your spouses because you all have enough sense to step away from the computer after a few minutes or so...  I'm thinking I need to take a week off, a few days,  some time off from the blogging world to spend some quality time with him!!  Maybe I'll surprise him with a delicious candlelight dinner tomorrow.

But...before I do.... I need your help.  I want to do a link party (because they are so fun!) but I can't figure out for the life of me how to put the link on my blog that you link to.  I have searched...and searched... I GIVE UP!  Please help me!!   Please....   I'm relatively new to I sure hope it's not too difficult.  

Keeping my fingers crossed!!!


  1. OK, I am at a loss!
    I googled and all I can get are other people's linky parties!!! I am not sure how-to, but I have linked onto one before over at CLutter Free Classroom- maybe you could pick her brain. Also LadyBug Teacher Files always has tutorials (that is where I learned A LOT!)
    ANd I totally get it! The Mr is soooooo tired of see my laptop atop my lap!!!!
    We should hook the Mr.s up and let them go out and have a vent night about how we don't pay enough attn to them!!!! har har

    I wish I could be more help:(

  2. My hubby has been jealous of my netbook since we purchased wireless internet for the house. I've been blogging just 2 months, between that, facebook, and pinterest (and school, a 2 year old, and dog) he does feel shafted sometimes I'm sure. But to reverse the roles I'd prolly feel a bit jealous too. Dinner idea sounds nice :) gl!

  3. My husband is the same way!! Maybe I should let him read this so he knows he isn't alone. No scratch that. It might just push him over the edge!

  4. I know how you feel my first "linky" was frustration at its highest level. Then I found inlinkz and linky tools they both have information and will let you host 1 or 2 linky parties for free. here are the "links" happy linking! Oh and my husband thinks my computer is our new child, and my "blogging buddies" our new extended family because "I know you all SO well!!"
    So welcome to the family and good luck!! lol

  5. Waiting to see your linky party. I've never done one (I'm still such a newbie..4 months is still new right?) I learn something new every day about the blogging world.

    AS for my hubs---he plays on his PS3, while I's such a happy QUIET time. Sometimes for "togetherness" I blog in the same room he's video gaming in ;)

    You're doing great on your blogging. :)

  6. I feel your love and pain! I have date night tonight which makes me happy, but I know I won't be able to sit here and blog...ridiculous???
    It's all about balance. Hope you got linky figured out. I used the inlinkz thing too.
    Thanks so much for your comment! You can be a dream squasher all you want!
